Preservation of the Iberian Tethys paleomargin beneath the eastern Betic mountain range Morales Soto, José Molina Aguilera, Antonio Mancilla Pérez, Flor de Lis Stich, Daniel Azañón Hernández, José Miguel Teixidó Ullod, Teresa López Comino, José Ángel Posadas, Antonio Miguel Tethys paleomargin South Iberian peninsula Eastern Betic Cordillera Crustal structure P-wave Receiver Functions We are grateful to the staff involved in the TransCorBe project. The Geophysical Instrument Pool at GFZ-Potsdam provided most of the seismic equipment. We are grateful to Christian Haberland for his support. We want to thank two anonymous reviewers for the careful reading of the manuscript and the interesting and constructive criticism they provided. This work was funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (SRA) under the grant PID2019-109608GB I00/SRA/10.13039/501100011033, FEDER/MINECO project CGL2015-67130-C2-2-R, FEDER/Junta de Andalucia project A-RNM-421-UGR18 and research group RNM104 of the Junta de Andalucia. The Granada University/CBUA funding for open access charge. We obtain P-wave receiver functions from teleseismic earthquake recordings at a dense seismic broadband transect, deployed along 170 km across the Betic mountain range in southeastern Spain. Migrated images show the crustal structure of the orogen in detail. In particular, they reveal the situation of the subducted Iberian paleomargin, with full preservation of the proximal domain and the 50 km wide necking domain. Crustal thinning across the necking domain affects mainly the lower continental crust. The Variscan crust of the Tethys margin is bending downward beneath the Betics, reaching 45 km depth, and terminates abruptly at a major slab tear. The distal domain of the paleomargin cannot be reconstructed, but the migrated section suggests that material has been exhumed through the subduction channel and integrated into the Betic orogen. This supports an origin of the HP-LT Nevado-Filabride units from subducted, hyperextended Variscan crust. According to our profile, the present-day eastern Betics appear to have a much more significant contribution from metamorphic Iberian crust than previously thought. 2022-06-10T08:01:51Z 2022-06-10T08:01:51Z 2022-02-05 journal article José Morales... [et al.]. Preservation of the Iberian Tethys paleomargin beneath the eastern Betic mountain range, Gondwana Research, Volume 106, 2022, Pages 237-246, ISSN 1342-937X, [] 10.1016/ eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Elsevier