Functionality of Apps for People with Autism: Comparison between Educators from Florence and Granada Gallardo Montes, Carmen del Pilar Rodríguez Fuentes, Antonio Caurcel Cara, María Jesús Capperucci, Davide ICT Autism Educators Background: Studies on the potential of smartphone apps for people with autism are currently increasing in number, given the large digital supply available and the benefits they offer. We analyzed the opinion of educators from Florence (Italy) and Granada (Spain) regarding the benefits and applicability of apps, frequency of their use, and the type of apps used for people with autism. Methods: The study involved 1261 professionals, of whom 286 worked with apps, using a non-experimental quantitative design, descriptive and frequency statistics, parametric inferential analyses (Student’s t and one-factor ANOVA), and calculation of the effect size (Cohen’s d and eta squared) and intrafactorial correlations. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in respect of city, sex, age, years of experience, place of work, and type of teacher. The teachers from Granada found more benefits and applicability in apps, and revealed a slightly higher usage than those from Florence. Conclusions: It is an arduous but worthy task for professionals from schools and associations that work with people with autism to acquire the necessary knowledge to apply methodologies based on information and communication technology (ICT), as this will help achieve the integrated development of people with different capabilities. 2022-06-09T06:59:10Z 2022-06-09T06:59:10Z 2022-06-06 journal article 117. Gallardo-Montes, C.d.P.; Rodríguez Fuentes, A.; Caurcel Cara, M.J.; Capperucci, D. (2022). Functionality of Apps for People with Autism: Comparison between Educators from Florence and Granada. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 7019. https:// https:// eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España