Influence of Punch Trough Stop Layer and Well Depths on the Robustness of Bulk FinFETs to Heavy Ions Impact Calomarde, Antonio Gámiz Pérez, Francisco Jesús Charge collection Single event cross section Radiation hardening Soft error Single event transient (SET) Single event upset (SEU) FinFET 3D TCAD modeling This work was supported by the Spanish under Grant MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Project PID2019-103869RB-C33. This study analyzes the effects of the punch-through stop (PTS) layer and well depth in a bulk FinFET SRAM cell on the fraction of charge generated by an ion impact that is collected by the FinFET channel. More than 1700 3D TCAD simulations have been performed to obtain a detailed map of the sensitivity areas in a full cell 6-T SRAM 22 nm bulk-FinFET process. The influence of the well depth on the charge collected by the drain devices of the SRAM cell has been studied, and it has been concluded that the collected charge can be reduced down to 300% simply by modifying the depth of the well, without affecting the performance of the cell. Different PTS layer depths have been analyzed in order to calculate which value minimizes the impact of the charge generated by an ion during its track along the FinFET body. The simulations carried out allow to conclude that the incorporation of a PTS layer not only reduces the leakage current, but also reduces the amount of charge, delivered by the ion, that reaches the drain region. Simulation results also show that the fraction of the charge generated by the ion impact, which is collected by the drain, mainly depends on the depth of the wells, whereas the PTS layer hardly modifies the collected charge. Keywords 2022-05-30T11:06:21Z 2022-05-30T11:06:21Z 2022-05-02 journal article A. Calomarde... [et al.]. "Influence of Punch Trough Stop Layer and Well Depths on the Robustness of Bulk FinFETs to Heavy Ions Impact," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 47169-47178, 2022, doi: [10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3171813] 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3171813 eng open access Atribución 3.0 España IEEE