The Effects Of Social Media Networking On Student Academic Performances: An Investigatory Study Babaran, Nilda O. Facebook Social media networking Social networking sites YouTube The media constantly reminds us that we are in the "selfie" generation and should capitalize on it. This is an exploratory study which was conducted to determine the impact of social networking on the academic performance of first-year students. The respondents were chosen at random using Slovin's formula (301 out of 1,223 freshmen). The results were obtained using the t-test for independent samples. This survey concluded that everyone uses portable devices and smart phones to access the internet. Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation demonstrates the association between SNS visits and academic performance of students in a particular year. The significant majority of respondents used Facebook and YouTube at least twice a week and are also significant factor in students’ scholastic performance. The study met students’ needs especially academic enforcement that would always redound to them. 2022-04-18T06:25:25Z 2022-04-18T06:25:25Z 2022-01-28 journal article Nilda O. Babaran (2022). The Effects Of Social Media Networking On Student Academic Performances: An Investigatory Study Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Vol. 13(1). 343 – 352. DOI: [10.47750/jett.2022.13.01.035] 1989 – 9572 eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Universidad de Granada