La traducción de los referentes culturales al árabe. Análisis del subtitulado de un episodio de La Casa de Papel Zainab Ceña, Fayze Mahyub Rayaa, Bachir traducción audiovisual subtitulado referentes culturales culturemas combinación español-árabe This final degree project focuses on the field of audiovisual translation, on the subtitling modality. The aim of this investigation is to analyze the translation of cultural references into Arabic in the official Netflix subtitling of the Spanish series La Casa de Papel (Pina, 2017). To do this, an episode of the aforementioned series will be analyzed in order to find out how the translation techniques used affect the transmission of cultural references from Spanish to Arabic. Initially, in the theoretical framework, the most relevant aspects of audiovisual translation and subtitling will be explained. Likewise, the cultural references and the translation techniques used to transfer them from one language to another will be addressed. Subsequently, in the practical framework, we will proceed to the analysis and discussion of the translation of the cultural references found in that episode. Finally, and from the results of this analysis, the conclusions of the project will be drawn. 2021-06-24T07:12:03Z 2021-06-24T07:12:03Z 2021-06-23 info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis Zainab Ceña, F. y Mahyub Rayaa, B. (2021). LA TRADUCCIÓN DE LOS REFERENTES CULTURALES AL ÁRABE. ANÁLISIS DEL SUBTITULADO DE UN EPISODIO DE LA CASA DE PAPEL [Trabajo de Fin de Grado]. Universidad de Granada spa info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Universidad de Granada