Enrichment of Food With Tannin Extracts Promotes Healthy Changes in the Human Gut Microbiota Molino, Silvia Rufián Henares, José Ángel Tannins Quebracho Chestnut Tara In vitro digestion–fermentation Gut microbiota Short chain fatty acids This work was supported by the research project Stance4Health (contract no. 816303) from the European Commission (Research Executive Agency). The sequence data are available in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under accession number PRJEB14013 (https:// www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB41013). This paper will form part of the doctoral thesis of SM, conducted within the context of the “Nutrition and Food Sciences Programme” at the University of Granada The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.625782/ full#supplementary-material Food and food bioactive components are major drivers of modulation of the human gut microbiota. Tannin extracts consist of a mix of bioactive compounds, which are already exploited in the food industry for their chemical and sensorial properties. The aim of our study was to explore the viability of associations between tannin wood extracts of different origin and food as gut microbiota modulators. 16S rRNA amplicon next-generation sequencing (NGS) was used to test the effects on the gut microbiota of tannin extracts from quebracho, chestnut, and tara associated with commercial food products with different composition in macronutrients. The different tannin-enriched and non-enriched foods were submitted to in vitro digestion and fermentation by the gut microbiota of healthy subjects. The profile of the short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced by the microbiota was also investigated. The presence of tannin extracts in food promoted an increase of the relative abundance of the genus Akkermansia, recognized as a marker of a healthy gut, and of various members of the Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae families, involved in SCFA production. The enrichment of foods with tannin extracts had a booster effect on the production of SCFAs, without altering the profile given by the foods alone. These preliminary results suggest a positive modulation of the gut microbiota with potential benefits for human health through the enrichment of foods with tannin extracts. 2021-04-27T10:16:14Z 2021-04-27T10:16:14Z 2021-03-16 journal article Molino S, Lerma-Aguilera A, Jiménez-Hernández N, Gosalbes MJ, Rufián-Henares JÁ and Francino MP (2021) Enrichment of Food With Tannin Extracts Promotes Healthy Changes in the Human Gut Microbiota. Front. Microbiol. 12:625782. doi: [https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.625782] http://hdl.handle.net/10481/68151 10.3389/fmicb.2021.625782 eng info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/H2020/816303 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/ open access Atribución 3.0 España Frontiers Research Foundation