Learning the eight parts of speech. Based on a template from TheWebQuest Page García Garrido, María Isabel English learning English language This WebQuest focuses on language arts. It was designed to be applied in 5th grade. Nonetheless, it can be used grades 4th through 9th. The learner will need to be able to read in English in order to be able to work on this WebQuest. In the case of those students that have limited English proficiency teacher will pair them up with more advance students This WebQuest will help you to learn THE 8 PARTS OF SPEECH. You have to complete several sessions about the 8 PARTS OF SPEECH. The first one of the sessions is called: WARM UP SESSION. On this occasion, we will all work together, as a whole group. Just this time, the teacher will model how to navigate through the internet. The teacher will demonstrate how to find the information that we need in order to answer all the questions. The teacher will assist you on how to answer all the questions. We all, together as a whole group, will write all the answers. This is your opportunity to find out the procedure that you have to follow when you are completing the activities. Please, ask your teacher any questions that you may have about how to work using a WebQuest. During the following sessions, you will be working with 2 or 3 partners, using the computer, completing all the activities that appear in each session. At the end of the warm up session, as a whole group, we will decide who the students that are going to be working together are. You can not change the groups after this day. You have to be working silently so not to bother your partners. If you have any question(s) raise your hand and the teacher will assist you. In each session you are going to find the following things: 1. A set of questions that you have to answer. 2. Online resources that you have to access in order to answer those questions. 3. Videos that provide explanations about what you have to learn in each session. 4. Games and quizzes that will give you the opportunity to find out if you have mastered the learning outcome of each session. At the end of this WebQuest, we will have a test on the parts of speech. You have the opportunity of winning extra points for your test. Complete all the questions of each session, give them to the teacher (don’t forget to write your name on top) and you will earn 10 extra points for each session that you complete. You have more explanations, about the way you are going to be evaluated, on the evaluation section. Just click there and you will find out all the details. 2010-11-29T10:55:52Z 2010-11-29T10:55:52Z 2010 other http://hdl.handle.net/10481/6663 eng http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License