Modeling chemotaxis from L-2-closure moments in kinetic theory of active particles Bellomo, Nicola Nieto Muñoz, Juan José Soler Vizcaino, Juan Segundo Living systems Cancer cells Chemotaxis Kinetic theory Multi-cellular systems Closure method Keller–Segel This paper deals with the derivation of macroscopic tissue models from the underlying description delivered by a class of equations modeling binary mixtures of multi-cellular systems by methods of the kinetic theory for active particles. Cellular interactions generate both modification of biological functions and proliferative-destructive events. The analysis refers to a suitable hyperbolic approximation to show how the macroscopic tissue behavior can be described from the underlying cellular description. The approach is specifically focused on the modeling of chemotaxis phenomena by the Keller–Segel approximation. 2020-12-16T11:44:21Z 2020-12-16T11:44:21Z 2013 journal article Bellomo, N., Bellouquid, A., Nieto, J., & Soler, J. (2013). Modeling chemotaxis from L-2-closure moments in kinetic theory of active particles. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 18(4), 847-863. [doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.847] 10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.847 eng open access Atribución 3.0 España AMER INST MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES-AIMS