Psycho-probability: a solidarity application Ramírez Uclés, Rafael  Both the purpose and the essence of this contest are described in this introduction.  -The purpose is to promote the solidarity among our students, not only by means of economic contributions, but also by convincing them that the result of small individual efforts can imply a great collective humanitarian aid.  - The essence of the contest "Mucho por poco" is that the students prepare themselves for future experiences of chance and uncertainty, motivating a reflection of what probability means for each one of them, their beliefs and expectations of certain decisions.  Therefore we invented the concept of psycho-probability, both for the presentation as for the analysis of the game, we have called "Mucho por poco":  Each player can participate with random natural numbers starting from 1, after making a little contribution of 10 euro cents for each number. The contestant that manages to guess the smallest number that nobody else has chosen, wins. 2020-12-09T09:23:11Z 2020-12-09T09:23:11Z 2007 journal article Ramírez, R. (2007) Psycho-probability: a solidarity application. Publicación web: Science on Stage 2. Edita: ESA (European Space Agency). [] eng open access ESA (European Space Agency)