Resistive memories simulation based on the kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm Aldana Delgado, Samuel Roldán Aranda, Juan Bautista Jiménez Molinos, Francisco Universidad de Granada. Universidad de Granada. Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación Algoritmos Monte Carlo program Kinetics Simulation Memories The efforts in this doctoral thesis have been focused on the development of RRAM physical simulators able to reproduce the resistive switching operation that takes place within the devices. The simulators were designed for the two main types of RRAMs, Conductive Bridge RAMs (both for unipolar and bipolar) and for Valence Change Memories. The work includes five publications in scientific journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report of Science Citation Index, one Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore digital library, four contributions to International Conferences. I have also contributed to other publications, where a book chapter is included, three videos detailing the operation of each simulator. 2020-11-05T08:28:01Z 2020-11-05T08:28:01Z 2020 2020-10-30 doctoral thesis Aldana Delgado, Samuel. Resistive memories simulation based on the kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2020. [] 978-84-1306-673-8 eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Universidad de Granada