Scientific Mapping of Gamification in Web of Science López Belmonte, Jesús Parra González, María Elena Segura Robles, Adrián Pozo Sánchez, Santiago Gamification Active methodology Educational innovations Bibliometric analysis Scientific mapping Education is a constantly changing field. The new teaching processes are developed today and all teachers should be prepared. Gamification is one of the methodologies with the greatest impact on the learning process. The objective of the study is to analyze the relevance and progression that the concepts “gamification” and “learning” have acquired in the scientific literature of Web of Science. This research has been based on a bibliometric methodology. A classic bibliometric and thematic analyses have been carried out. A 1230 document matrix analysis has been selected. For descriptive bibliometrics, the Bibliometrix library is used, while Scimat is used for the thematic analysis. Both tools are widely used in this type of study. Results indicate that growth on the study of these topics is booming. There are also authors who accumulate most of the documents, such as Martí Parreño. English is positioned as the predominant language. The topics studied have evolved from how classic games affect learning to the study of video games and their impact on performance. It is concluded that these types of studies are still relevant and with a great future prospect. Furthermore, research focuses especially on video games, on the effects of technology on learning and on the study of flipped learning experiences. 2020-11-03T13:42:28Z 2020-11-03T13:42:28Z 2020-08-20 journal article López-Belmonte, J.; Parra-González, M.E.; Segura-Robles, A.; Pozo-Sánchez, S. Scientific Mapping of Gamification in Web of Science. Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ. 2020, 10, 832-847. [doi:10.3390/ejihpe10030060] 10.3390/ejihpe10030060 eng open access Atribución 3.0 España MDPI