Cost-effective printed electrodes based on emerging materials applied to biosignal acquisition Toral López, Víctor Castillo Morales, María Encarnación Rivadeneyra Torres, Almudena Morales Santos, Diego Pedro Rodríguez Santiago, Noel Printed electronics Flexible Electronics Electrodes LIG Screen printing ECG EOG In this paper flexible printed electrodes applicable to wearable electronics are presented. Using innovative materials as Laser Induced Graphene (LIG) and printed electronics, three type of electrodes based in LIG, silver chloride and carbon inks have been compared during the acquisition of bipotentials as electrocardiogram, electromyogram and electrooculogram. For this last one, a completely new framework for acquisition have been developed. This framework is based in a printed patch which integers 6 electrodes for the EOG acquisitions and an ad-hoc signal processing to detect the direction and amplitude of the eye movement. The performance of the developed electrodes have been compared with commercial ones using the characteristics parameters of each signal as comparative variables. The results obtained for the flexible electrodes have shown a similar performance than the commercial electrodes with an improvement in the comfort of the user. 2020-09-25T12:58:47Z 2020-09-25T12:58:47Z 2016 journal article Toral, V., Castillo, E., Albretch, A., Romero, F. J., García, A., Rodríguez, N., ... & Rivadeneyra, A. (2020). Cost-Effective Printed Electrodes Based on Emerging Materials Applied to Biosignal Acquisition. IEEE Access, 8, 127789-127800. [DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008945] 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008945 eng open access Atribución 3.0 España Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)