Problemas sobre la Curvatura Media en Rn+1 Souza Gama, Eddygledson Martín Serrano, Francisco de Melo Jorge, Luquésio Petrola Universidad de Granada. Programa de Doctorado en Matemáticas Geometría Topología This thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, it is done a brief introduction of the main tools necessary for the development of this work. In turn, in the second chapter it develops the Jenkins-Serrin theory for vertical and horizontal cases. Regarding the vertical case, it only proves the existence of the solution of Jenkins-Serrin problem for the type I, when M is rotationally symmetric and has non-positive sectional curvatures. However, with respect to the horizontal case, the existence and the uniqueness is proved in a general way, namely assuming that the base space M has a particular structure. The third and last chapter of this thesis is devoted to proving a result of the characterization of translating solitons in R^{n+1}. More precisely, it is proved that the unique examples C^{1}-asymptotic to two half-hyperplanes outside a cylinder are the hyperplanes parallel to e_{n+1} and the elements of the family associated with the tilted grim reaper cylinder in R^{n+1}. 2020-05-27T09:31:29Z 2020-05-27T09:31:29Z 2020 2020-01-17 doctoral thesis Souza Gama, Eddygledson. Problemas sobre la Curvatura Media en Rn+1. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2020. [] 9788413064802 eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Universidad de Granada