Implementation of UV rotational Raman channel to improve aerosol retrievals from multiwavelength lidar Ortiz-Amezcua, Pablo Bedoya-Velásquez, Andrés Esteban Benavent Oltra, José Antonio Pérez Ramírez, Daniel Veselovskii, I. Castro Santiago, Mario Bravo Aranda, Juan Antonio Guedes, A. Guerrero Rascado, Juan Luis Alados Arboledas, Lucas Vibrational Raman Raman rotational Raman Vibrational Raman effect is widely used in atmospheric lidar systems, but rotational Raman present several advantages. We have implemented a new setup in the ultraviolet branch of an existing multiwavelength lidar system to collect signal from rotational Raman lines of Oxygen and Nitrogen. We showed that, with an appropriate filter wavelength selection, the systematic error introduced in the particle optical properties due to temperature dependence was less than 4%. With this new setup, we have been able to retrieve aerosol extinction and backscatter coefficients profiles at 355 nm with 1-h time resolution during daytime and up to 1-min time resolution during nighttime. 2020-03-23T09:37:12Z 2020-03-23T09:37:12Z 2020 journal article eng European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through project ACTRIS-2 (grant agreement No. 654109) open access Optical Society of America