Association between motivational climate, school adjustment and family functioning in adolescents Castro Sánchez, Manuel Zurita Ortega, Félix García Mármol, Eduardo Chacón Cuberos, Ramón Motivational climate Family functioning School adjustment Adolescents The present study seeks to define and contrast an explanatory model of motivational climate, school adjustment and family functioning, and to analyse the existing associations between the aforementioned variables through structural equation analysis. The sample includes 2,134 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years from the province of Granada. Motivational climate (PMCSQ-2), school adjustment (EBAE-10) and family functioning (APGAR) are analysed. A descriptive cross-sectional design is used and the program AMOS 23.0 is employed to construct the multi-group structural equation model. The model showed appropriate fit (χ2 = 241.34; df = 17; p < .001; CFI = .953; NFI = .950; IFI = .953; RMSEA = .079). The present study revealed that task-oriented motivational climates toward assignments generate higher levels of school adjustment within students. In fact, this same motivational climate is directly associated with family functioning, with these being considered positive variables for determining a good climate in the physical education classroom. On the other hand, an ego-oriented motivational climate was inversely related with school adjustment, without being linked to family functioning. All of this reveals the importance of promoting more self-determined types of motivation in the classroom, which encourage cooperation between group members, effort and personal improvement El presente estudio pretende definir y contrastar un modelo explicativo sobre el clima motivacional, el ajuste escolar y la funcionalidad familiar, y analizar las asociaciones existentes entre las mencionadas variables mediante un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales en una muestra de 2.134 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años de la provincia de Granada, analizando el clima motivacional (PMCSQ-2), el ajuste escolar (EBAE-10) y la funcionalidad familiar (APGAR). Se utiliza un diseño de tipo descriptivo y corte transversal, empleando AMOS 23.0 para realizar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales multigrupo que se ajustó de forma correcta (χ2 = 241,34; gl = 17; p < ,001; CFI = ,953; NFI = ,950; IFI = ,953; RMSEA = ,079). Este estudio revela como los climas motivacionales orientados hacia la tarea generan mayores niveles de ajuste escolar en el alumnado. De hecho, este mismo clima motivacional se asocia directamente con la funcionalidad familiar, considerándose variables positivas para el buen clima en el aula de educación física. Por otro lado, el clima motivacional orientado al ego estuvo inversamente relacionado con el ajuste escolar, sin vincularse con la funcionalidad familiar. Todo ello revela la importancia de promover motivaciones más autodeterminadas en las aulas, que fomenten la cooperación entre los miembros del grupo, el esfuerzo y la superación personal. 2020-01-20T07:46:50Z 2020-01-20T07:46:50Z 2019-11-18 journal article Castro-Sánchez, Manuel; Zurita-Ortega, Félix; García-Mármol, Eduardo, & Chacón-Cuberos, Ramón (2019). Association between motivational climate, school adjustment and family functioning in adolescents. RELIEVE, 25(2), art. 3. 10.7203/relieve.25.2.14251 eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion Pedagogica