How to convince players in construction market? Strategies for effective implementation of circular economy in construction sector Górecki, Jaroslaw Núñez-Cacho, Pedro Corpas Iglesias, Francisco A. Molina Moreno, Valentín Circular economy Construction industry Project stakeholders Organizational behaviour Excessive and progressive industrialization is creating significant economic gaps, whereas large quantities of natural resources are used, and a lot of waste is created. Circular Economy (CE) aims to convert the so-called linear economy paradigm. Changes in legal regulations, business models, and construction methods are necessary for an effective CE implementation. This article aims to attract the attention of key players of the construction sector to a phenomenon of the CE. Basic conditions, a company should meet to perform an effective transformation towards the CE, were described. A hybrid, qualitative-quantitative methodology was used to research. First, a literature review is performed to describe a specificity of the construction industry and features of the construction companies in Poland. Second, a conceptual framework is developed to describe emerging CE business models. Third, a simulation-based analysis is developed to check a propensity of the construction companies to implement the CE and enhance its meaning in different types of economies 2019-12-12T10:41:53Z 2019-12-12T10:41:53Z 2019-11-08 journal article Górecki, J., Núñez-Cacho, P., Corpas-Iglesias, F. A., & Molina, V. (2019). How to convince players in construction market? Strategies for effective implementation of Circular Economy in construction sector. Cogent Engineering, (just-accepted), 1690760. 10.1080/23311916.2019.1690760 eng open access Atribución 3.0 España Taylor & Francis