Industry 4.0: a perspective based on bibliometric analysis Cobo Martín, Manuel Jesús Jürgens, Björn Herrero Solana, Víctor Martínez Pérez, María Ángeles Herrera Viedma, Enrique Bibliometric analysis Science Mapping Analysis co-words analysis Industry 4.0 The main aim of this contribution is to develop a co-words analysis of the Industry 4.0 research field in order to highlight the themes covered in the last five years (2013–2017). The software tool SciMAT is employed using an approach that allows us to uncover the main research themes and analyze them according to their performance and impact measures. An amount of 333 documents were retrieved from theWeb of Science. Our key findings are that the most important research themes were Cyber-Physical-Systems and Cloud-Computing 2019-10-17T08:10:39Z 2019-10-17T08:10:39Z 2018 journal article Cobo, M. J., Jürgens, B., Herrero-Solana, V., Martínez, M. A., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2018). Industry 4.0: a perspective based on bibliometric analysis. Procedia computer science, 139, 364-371. 10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.278 eng open access Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España Elsevier BV