Attitude Measurement and Control Techniques on the Earth's Surface Pretel Villanueva, Jorge Roldán Aranda, Andrés María Electrónica y Tecnología de los Computadores cubesat En el presente trabajo se realiza una introducci on a la teor a de la medida de la orientaci on en la super cie terrestre mediante el uso de sensores inerciales y magn eticos con t ecnicas de fusi on de se~nales, a trav es del uso de ltros optimos y complementarios. A continuaci on se hace una presentaci on del formalismo de sistemas de control, en la cual se analiza la estabilidad y el alcance de dichos sistemas, as como dos de los m etodos de control m as comunes, el controlador Proporcional Integral Derivativo y el Regulador Lineal Cuadr atico. Por ultimo, se hace un estudio de la medida para un sistema real, el p endulo invertido con volante de inercia. The following bachelor thesis introduces the basis of the attitude representation and measurement theory on Earth's surface from inertial and magnetic measurement units data, as well as the use of sensor fusion algorithms as the optimal and complementary lters. Moreover, a review of the control system formalism is presented, where the stability and the reach of the controllers is analyzed, as well as two of the most used control techniques at the present time: the Proportional Integral Derivative controller and the Linear Quadratic Regulator. Finally, a study of the measurement and ltering methods on a real inverted pendulum with reaction wheel is conducted. 2019-10-01T10:16:10Z 2019-10-01T10:16:10Z 2019-07-05 2019-07-09 bachelor thesis eng Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España