TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF ATMOSPHERIC PARTICLE NUMBER SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS ACROSS SPAIN Alonso Blanco, E. Gómez Moreno, F.J. Artíñano, B. Iglesias Samitier, S. Juncal, V. Piñeiro, M. López Mahía, P. Pérez, N. Brines, M. Alastuey, A. García, M.I. Rodríguez González, S. Sorribas, M. Águila, A. Titos Vela, Gloria Lyamani, H. Alados Arboledas, Lucas Spatio-temporal variability Meteorology and ultrafine particles This study synthesizes for the first time results from simultaneous aerosol measurements performed at seven diverse locations distributed all over the Spanish geography. The observations were carried out during two field campaigns in 2012–2013, one-month each and during different seasons. These field campaigns were performed in the framework of the Spanish Network of DMAs (REDMAAS) activities. Measurement sites were grouped as polluted sites (urban background) and clean sites (rural background and high-altitude sites). Seasonal differences were more important at polluted sites, mainly related to meteorology and aerosol sources. Higher total particle concentrations were found during the cold period, driven mainly by Aitken-mode particles (traffic-related aerosol particles). 2019-07-26T08:14:17Z 2019-07-26T08:14:17Z 2018 journal article http://hdl.handle.net/10481/56534 https://dx.doi.org//10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.06.046 eng European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) ACTRIS under grant agreement no. 262254 open access Elsevier