DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN WITH A DISMISSING ATTACHMENT STYLE REGARDING THEIR ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOUR IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS. Monteoliva Sánchez, Adelaida García-Martínez, José Miguel Ángel Calvo Salguero, Antonia Adult attachment Gender differences Attitudes Intimate relationships R esearch to date has revealed that the association between gender, attachment and the quality and functioning of intimate relationships is complex. This study examined the relationship between gender and attachment styles in attitudes to communication with one’s partner and in the number of past relationships in a sample of 746 Spanish undergraduates. The Relationship Questionnaire was administered to them to determine the adult attachment style. The results revealed the existence of differences according to the adult attachment style and gender with regard to the two measured variables, and a significant effect of the interaction between gender and attachment. Dismissing men reported the highest average scores in the number of past relationships, with significant differences appearing when they were compared with secure and preoccupied men. However, dismissing women did not differ from the rest of the women with other attachment styles. When men and women with the same attachment styles were compared in this variable, the only significant differences were found between dismissing men and women (with the latter reporting fewer partners). In the case of attitudes to expressing feelings to one’s partner, dismissing men reported the most negative attitudes, compared with secure and preoccupied men. Dismissing women, unlike the men, did not differ in their attitudes either from preoccupied or fearful women. Moreover, clear differences were shown between dismissing men and women in these attitudes (more negative in the case of men). 2019-01-08T11:18:19Z 2019-01-08T11:18:19Z 2012 journal article Monteoliva-Sánchez, A.; García-Martínez, J.M.A,; Calvo-Salguero, A. & Aguilar-Luzón, M.C. (2012): Differences between men and women with a dismissing attachment style regarding their attitudes and behaviour in romantic relationships. International Journal of Psychology, 47, 335-345. 0020-7594 http://hdl.handle.net/10481/54398 10.1080/00207594.2011.634007 eng International Journal of Psychology;47 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Taylor & Francis (Routledge)