Influence of Geometric Simplifications on Lightning Strike Simulations Gutierrez Gutierrez, Guadalupe Fernandez Romero, Sergio Gonzaga, Monica Pascual Gil, Enrique Díaz Angulo, Luis Manuel González García, Salvador This paper discusses the influence of simplifications in models used in the design of electromagnetic protection against indirect effects of lightning strikes. A real and complex test case such as the power plant of an A400M aircraft, simulated with the FDTD method, is chosen for this. The parameters studied are the inclusion/removal of installations, modification of electrical contacts, material properties, and changes in the cable characteristics. The simulations performed allow us to quantify the impact of different simplification approaches and, in consequence, to draw conclusions on the relative importance of different model features, being the most important ones to maintain the electrical contacts, to include installations and cables carrying high currents, to consider different materials, to respect the accurate cable routes or to take care of isolated equipment. 2018-04-16T08:28:11Z 2018-04-16T08:28:11Z 2018 journal article Gutierrez Gutierrez, Guadalupe; et. al. Influence of Geometric Simplifications on Lightning Strike Simulations. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,Vol. 83, 15–32, 2018 [] ISSN 1937-8718 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Electromagnetics Academy