Urban identity of border spaces. Constructing a place in the border crossing between Spain and Morocco in Ceuta Bravo Rodríguez, Belén Rivas-Navarro, Juan L. Jiménez-Jiménez, Alicia Urban design Identity Territorial cohesion Borders Architecture Ceuta lt can currently be perceived that differences are enhanced between different territorial realities and their own identities, although dialogue between them is encouraged. The need to clarify the relationship between political areas or various territorial units is multiplied. In this context, the geopolitical borders are those places where exchange is displayed and multiple character flows are concentrated. The pressure existing over them is leading to prioritize economic and political roles, over the adaptation of spatial configuration. The boundary condition can lead, depending on spatial, social, economic, morphological, etc., factors, to spaces of both conflict and relationship between the borders systems; hosting activities related to the concentration of flows and favored by the exchange; overlapping scales, etc. The mixture of the features of the bordering territories gives a certain identity to the border space which may also simultaneously form a new hybrid identity. Responding to the urbanity of these environments is a pending task, and discovering the "spaciality' and livability through multiscale projects is a necessity of contemporary architecture and urbanism. The border between Spain and Morocco is of an ambivalent nature. lt both separates a limit and acts as a physical connector between both countries. The geographical enclave of Ceuta and its relationship with the coast of Tetouan force us to think in very different scales and use long-term approaches. It is a territorial node subject to global dynamics (migration, tourism, movement of goods, etc) which greatly impact local behaviors. This research proposes a 'border system' which transcends the conflict of the place to respond to the multitude of points of activity and infrastructure which bring together the Spanish-Moroccan and reflects on frontier life. 2017-04-17T09:37:39Z 2017-04-17T09:37:39Z 2016-04 conference output Bravo-Rodríguez, B.; Rivas-Navarro, J.L.; Jiménez-Jiménez, A. Urban identity of border spaces. Constructing a place in the border crossing between Spain and Morocco in Ceuta. In: E.V. Lazarevic, et al. (coords.). 3rd International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies: "Keeping up with technologies to create cognitive city by highlighting its safety, sustainability, efficiency, imeagebility ande liveability". Conference proceedings. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2016. pp. 435-443. [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/45755] 978-86-7924-160-3 978-86-7924-161-0 http://hdl.handle.net/10481/45755 eng open access University of Belgrade. Faculty of Architecture