Semiempirical Modeling of Reset Transitions in Unipolar Resistive-Switching Based Memristors Picos, Rodrigo Roldán Aranda, Juan Bautista Al Chawa, Mohamed Moner García Fernández, Pedro Jiménez Molinos, Francisco García-Moreno, Eugeni RRAM Memristor modeling Reset voltage (Vrst) determination Variability We have measured the transition process from the high to low resistivity states, i.e., the reset process of resistive switching based memristors based on Ni/HfO2/Si-n+ structures, and have also developed an analytical model for their electrical characteristics. When the characteristic curves are plotted in the current-voltage (I-V) domain a high variability is observed. In spite of that, when the same curves are plotted in the charge-flux domain (Q-ᶲ), they can be described by a simple model containing only three parameters: the charge (Qrst) and the flux (ᶲrst) at the reset point, and an exponent, n, relating the charge and the flux before the reset transition. The three parameters can be easily extracted from the Q-ᶲ plots. There is a strong correlation between these three parameters, the origin of which is still under study. 2015-07-17T07:23:48Z 2015-07-17T07:23:48Z 2015 journal article Picos, R.; et al. Semiempirical Modeling of Reset Transitions in Unipolar Resistive-Switching Based Memristors. Radioengineering, 24(2): 420-424 (2015). [] 1210-2512 10.13164/re.2015.0420 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Brno University of Technology. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication