The Au-Cu epithermal deposit at Palai-Islica, Almería, SE of Spain: Preliminary data Morales Ruano, Salvador Carrillo Rosúa, Francisco Javier Fenoll Hach-Alí, Purificación Fuente Chacón, Fernando de la Contreras López, Emilio Epithermal Gold Copper Epitermal SE de España Oro Cobre The following sequence of hydrothermal alteration has been indentified within the epithermal gold/copper-bearing deposit at Palai-Islica: propylitic, sericitic, argillitic (extending over a surface area of some 2.5 x 1.7 km2), and silicic (± carbontation). Mineralization appears in association with quartz viens, stockworks and layers of silica with sulphides (pyrite±chalcopyrite±other minor sulphides and native gold). Three fluids have been identified related to the mineralization: (A) a high-temperature, high-salinity fluid (magmatic=); (B)a fluid of relatively constant tremparature and varible salinity; and (C) a lower temperature and relatively low, constant salinity fluid (ground waters?). The considerable difference in the nature of these fluds (due mainly to the isothermal mixing of A and B fluids and a heterogeneous entrapment of the solutions- due possibly to boiling-) seems to have been responsible for the precipitation of gold. 2015-05-11T09:05:31Z 2015-05-11T09:05:31Z 1999 book part Morales Ruano, S.; Carrillo-Rosúa, F.J.; Fenoll Hach-Alí, P.; Fuente Chacón, F.; Contreras López, E. The Au-Cu epithermal deposit at Palai-Islica, Almería, SE of Spain: Preliminary data. In: Stanley, C.J. et al., (eds.) Mineral deposits, processes to processing: Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial SGA Meeting and the Tenth Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium. London (United Kingdom), 22-25 August 1999. Vol. 1. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1999. pp. 59-62. [] 90-5809-121-X eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Balkema