Estudio de la exposición de los modelos atómicos en ESO Oliver Rodríguez, Gregorio Fernández-González, Manuel Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales Naturaleza de la Ciencia Libros de texto Modelos atómicos Análisis didáctico de modelos atómicos Nature of Science Textbook Atomic models Didactic analysis of atomic models El estudio de determinados temas científicos en los manuales de secundaría, como son los modelos atómicos, pueden abordarse teniendo en cuenta la evolución y el carácter natural de la ciencia o no considerando estos aspectos. En este trabajo se han analizado las exposiciones presentes en los libros de texto actuales de Física y Química de 3º y 4º ESO. Para ello se han seleccionado un total de 14 manuales de los cuales se han extraído resultados que posteriormente se ha analizado y discutido. De ellos se han analizado diferentes tópicos, entre otros, definición de modelo, presencia del modelo, nivel, finalidad didáctica, etc. Así como un análisis individual para cada modelo. Todos los manuales de 3º cumplen con el programa oficial mostrando los modelos de Thomson y Rutherford. Aparece también el modelo Cuántico en cuatro manuales (de 3º y 4º), lo que no es muy recomendable por su nivel. En casi ningún manual aparece una definición clara del concepto de modelo y sólo algo más de la mitad de las exposiciones consideran aspectos relativos a la Naturaleza de la Ciencia. The study of scientific issues in secondary manuals, such as atomic models, can be carry out taking into account the evolution and the natural character of science or not considering these aspects. In this research we have analyzed the expositions present in current textbooks of Physics and Chemistry of 3rd and 4th of Secondary Education. For this 14 manuals has been selected, which were extracted results and then analyzed and discussed. We have analyzed different points, among others, definition of model, presence, level, didactic, etc. As an individual analysis for each model. All manuals of 3rd accomplish the official program showing Thomson and Rutherford models. The Quantum model also appears in four manuals (3rd and 4th), which is not recommended for its level. Really few manuals show a clear definition of model and just over half of exposures consider aspects of Nature of Science. The study of scientific issues in secondary manuals, such as atomic models, can be carry out taking into account the evolution and the natural character of science or not considering these aspects. In this research we have analyzed the expositions present in current textbooks of Physics and Chemistry of 3rd and 4th of Secondary Education. For this 14 manuals has been selected, which were extracted results and then analyzed and discussed. We have analyzed different points, among others, definition of model, presence, level, didactic, etc. As an individual analysis for each model. All manuals of 3rd accomplish the official program showing Thomson and Rutherford models. The Quantum model also appears in four manuals (3rd and 4th), which is not recommended for its level. Really few manuals show a clear definition of model and just over half of exposures consider aspects of Nature of Science. 2015-04-06T11:20:11Z 2015-04-06T11:20:11Z 2015-04-06 2014-06 master thesis 10.30827/Digibug.35401 spa open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License