Structural, functional and genomic changes associated to aging in the liver of rats fed life-long on virgin olive, sunflower or fish oils, as dietary fats Pérez-López, Patricia Ochoa Herrera, Julio José Quiles Morales, José Luis Ramírez Tortosa, María Carmen Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Fisiología Envejecimiento Ratas Hígado Estrés oxidativo Dieta Aceites y grasas 2014-12-22T13:14:03Z 2014-12-22T13:14:03Z 2014 2014-04-11 doctoral thesis Pérez López, M.P. Structural, functional and genomic changes associated to aging in the liver of rats fed life-long on virgin olive, sunflower or fish oils, as dietary fats. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2014. 410 p. [] 978-84-9083-067-3 D.L.: GR 1883-2014 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Universidad de Granada