Audio-visual Library for bilingual education on railways (Bauferr) Baena, Leticia Calvo Poyo, Francisco Javier Oña López, Juan José De Garach, Laura López Maldonado, Griselda Oña López, Rocío de Railways Library Multimedia Teaching Diccionarios Bilingüe Ferrocarriles Ponencia presentada al "XI Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte" (CIT 2014), celebrado en Santander, 9-11 junio, 2014. Despite the differences that may exist between the different Schools of Civil Engineering, Railways is an eminently practical subject and its purpose is that students learn not only the theoretical design of railway lines, but also the construction, management and operation processes. Concerning the design of railway lines, it can be taught in the classroom, through theoretical and practical classes. However, the entire construction process, testing, maintenance and operation of the rail system include processes that are difficult to illustrate in class, only using words, text or pictures. The most appropriate way for students to understand all these processes would be their presence in them, but this would be very difficult and expensive. So, in addition to the usual teaching aids (textbooks, board and slides), it is considered very helpful for the teaching in Railways to have an audio-visual library (BAUFERR). It compiles videos of all practical aspects included in the subject and mentioned above. This library will be bilingual (Castilian / English), with the aim of improving the training of students for working abroad. The BAUFERR is being developed within the Programme for Innovation and Good Teaching Practices of the University of Granada (UGR), which emphasizes the need for the development of innovative educational materials on line. During its development, it is located in the Teaching Board at the Teaching Support Resource Platform of the UGR. 2014-10-08T11:21:44Z 2014-10-08T11:21:44Z 2014-06 conference output Baena, L.; Calvo, F.; de Oña, J.; Garach, L.; López, G.; de Oña, R. Audio-visual Library for bilingual education on railways (Bauferr). En: XI Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte 2014: "El camino hacia el progreso". Santander: Foro de Ingeniería de los Transportes, 2014. [] 978-84-697-0359-5 eng open access Foro de Ingeniería de los Transportes (FIT)