Correction factor for ablation algorithms used in corneal refractive surgery with gaussian-profile beams Jiménez Cuesta, José Ramón González Anera, María Del Rosario Jiménez Del Barco Jaldo, Luis Miguel Hita Villaverde, Enrique Pérez Ocón, Francisco De Asís Ablation of tissue Ophthalmology We provide a correction factor to be added in ablation algorithms when a Gaussian beam is used in photorefractive laser surgery. This factor, which quantifies the effect of pulse overlapping, depends on beam radius and spot size. We also deduce the expected post-surgical corneal radius and asphericity when considering this factor. Data on 141 eyes operated on LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis) with a Gaussian profile show that the discrepancy between experimental and expected data on corneal power is significantly lower when using the correction factor. For an effective improvement of post-surgical visual quality, this factor should be applied in ablation algorithms that do not consider the effects of pulse overlapping with a Gaussian beam. 2014-07-11T09:38:29Z 2014-07-11T09:38:29Z 2005 journal article Jiménez, J.R.; et al. Correction factor for ablation algorithms used in corneal refractive surgery with gaussian-profile beams. Optic Express, 13(1): 336-343 (2005). [] 1094-4087 10.1364/OPEX.13.000336 eng open access Optical Society of America