Towards the development of a global communicative competence: the integration of oral and written skills in teaching and learning a foreign language Constanzo Inzunza, Eduardo Orality and writing Didactics in a foreign Integration of skills Oral language Writing in a foreign language Oralidad y escritura Didáctica de idiomas extranjeros Integración de destrezas Lengua oral Escritura en lengua extranjera This article discusses the didactic perspectives that show dialogue is an essential basis for the teaching of writing. The integration of speaking and writing skills is grounded on the sociocultural theoretical framework, which considers that working in pairs stimulates the zone of proximal development (ZPD), as well as showing that inner speech is a key element in the planning process of writing. Based on these premises, we present a final theoretical proposal, which constitutes the foundation of the concept of interactive writing classroom in a foreign language. Este artículo revisa las perspectivas didácticas que sostienen que la interacción oral es una base esencial para la enseñanza de la escritura. La integración de ambas habilidades se presenta a la luz del marco teórico sociocultural, que considera que el trabajo en parejas permite estimular la zona de desarrollo próximo y el lenguaje interior se concibe como un elemento clave del proceso de planificación de la escritura. Una propuesta final, que considera la lengua oral y escrita como base de las actividades de instrucción, se constituye en el fundamento del concepto de aula interactiva de escritura en LE. 2014-05-22T11:50:36Z 2014-05-22T11:50:36Z 2009-06 journal article Constanzo, E. Towards the development of a global communicative competence: the integration of oral and written skills in teaching and learning a foreign language. Porta Linguarum, 12: 107-116 (2009). [] 1697-7467 D.L.: GR 43-2004 10.30827/Digibug.31874 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Universidad de Granada