Bond strength to root dentin and fluid filtration test of several resin sealer and Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of dentin after using irrigation solutions Mahdi, Alaa Abdul Gómez López, Santiago Bolaños Carmona, María Victoria Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Estomatología Odontología Endodoncia Selladores Dientes Resina Dentina radicular 2014-04-23T07:25:52Z 2014-04-23T07:25:52Z 2014 2013-11-22 doctoral thesis Mahdi Shoman, A.S.A. Bond strength to root dentin and fluid filtration test of several resin sealer and Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of dentin after using irrigation solutions. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2014. 203 p. [] 9788490288955 D.L.: GR 712-2014 eng spa open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Universidad de Granada