A Mammalian Lost World in Southwest Europe during the Late Pliocene Arribas Herrera, Alfonso Garrido, Guiomar Viseras Alarcón, César Soria Mingorance, Jesús M. Pla Pueyo, Sila Solano, José G. Garcés, Miguel Beamud, Elisabeth Carrión, José S. Fossils Mammals Paleobiology Paleoecology Paleogeography Paleozoology Pliocene epoch Species delimitation [Background] Over the last decades, there has been an increasing interest on the chronology, distribution and mammal taxonomy (including hominins) related with the faunal turnovers that took place around the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition [ca. 1.8 mega-annum (Ma)] in Europe. However, these turnovers are not fully understood due to: the precarious nature of the period's fossil record; the “non-coexistence” in this record of many of the species involved; and the enormous geographical area encompassed. This palaeontological information gap can now be in part bridged with data from the Fonelas P-1 site (Granada, Spain), whose faunal composition and late Upper Pliocene date shed light on some of the problems concerning the timing and geography of the dispersals. [Methodology/Principal Findings] This rich fossil site yielded 32 species of mammals, among which autochthonous species of the European Upper Villafranchian coexist with canids (Canis), ovibovines (Praeovibos) and giraffids (Mitilanotherium) from Asia. Typical African species, such as the brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea) and the bush pig (Potamochoerus) are also present. [Conclusions/Significance] This assemblage is taxonomically and palaeobiogeographically unique, and suggests that fewer dispersal events than was previously thought (possibly only one close to 2.0 Ma) are responsible for the changes seen around 1.9–1.7 Ma ago in the fauna of the two continents. 2014-03-28T10:00:14Z 2014-03-28T10:00:14Z 2009 journal article Arribas, A.; et al. A Mammalian Lost World in Southwest Europe during the Late Pliocene. Plos One, 4(9): e7127 (2009). [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/31144] 1932-6203 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007127 http://hdl.handle.net/10481/31144 eng http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Public Library of Science (PLOS)