Antiracist education: education that acknowledges and fights racism and outside school Soza, Ximena Antiracist education Racism Diversity Educación antirracista Racismo Diversidad Antiracist education aims to promote among teachers and students a critical examination of the historical, political and economic roots of racism in order to provide understanding of current practices, social barriers and new approaches to collective existence of diverse cultural, ethnic and linguistic groups in today’s society. La educación contra el racismo pretende promover entre profesorado y alumnado un examen crítico de las raíces históricas, políticas y económicas del racismo. El objetivo consiste en facilitar la comprensión de prácticas habituales, barreras sociales y nuevos enfoques de la existencia colectiva de diversos grupos culturales, étnicos y lingüísticos en nuestra sociedad actual. 2013-04-23T12:14:39Z 2013-04-23T12:14:39Z 2012 journal article Soza, X. Antiracist education: education that acknowledges and fights racism and outside school. Publicaciones, 42: (2012). [] 1577-4147 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Universidad de Granada