Health professionals in mid eighteenth century Andalusia: Socioeconomic profiles and distribution in the Kingdom of Granada Ortiz Gómez, Teresa Quesada Ochoa, Carmen Valenzuela Candelario, José Astrain Gallart, Miguel 2011-03-07T08:10:31Z 2011-03-07T08:10:31Z 1995 book part Ortiz Gómez, Teresa; Quesada Ochoa, Carmen; Astrain Gallart, Mikel. Health professionals in mid eighteenth century Andalusia: socioeconomic profiles and distribution in the kingdom of Granada. In: Coping with sickness. Historical aspects of health care in a European perspective, edited by Woodward, J.; Jutte, R. Sheffield, European Association for the History of Medicine and Health Publications, 1995, pp.19-44. [] 0-9527045-0-1 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License