Equivalent norms with an extremely nonlineable set of norm attaining functionals
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10481/98292Metadatos
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We present a construction that enables one to nd Banach spaces X whose
sets NA(X) of norm attaining functionals do not contain two-dimensional subspaces and
such that, consequently, X does not contain proximinal subspaces of nite codimension
greater than one, extending the results recently provided by Read [27] and Rmoutil [28].
Roughly speaking, we construct an equivalent renorming with the requested properties for
every Banach space X where the set NA(X) for the original norm is not \too large". The
construction can be applied to every Banach space containing c0 and having a countable
system of norming functionals, in particular, to separable Banach spaces containing c0. We
also provide some geometric properties of the norms we have constructed.