Long-term effects of chronic khat use: impaired inhibitory control
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemAutor
S. Colzato, Lorenza; Ruiz Muñoz, Manuel Jesús; van den Wildenberg, Wery P. M.; Bajo Molina, María Teresa; Hommel, BernhardEditorial
Frontiers Media
khat SSRT dopamine
2011-01-12Referencia bibliográfica
Colzato, L.S. et. al. Front. Psychology 1:219. [https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00219]
Grants EDU2008- 01111 from the Ministry of Science/FEDER and P08-HUM-3600 (Junta de Andalucía)Resumen
So far no studies have systematically looked into the cognitive consequences of khat use. This
study compared the ability to inhibit and execute behavioral responses in adult khat users and
khat-free controls, matched in terms of age, race, gender distribution, level of intelligence,
alcohol and cannabis consumption. Response inhibition and response execution were measured
by a stop-signal paradigm. Results show that users and non-users are comparable in terms of
response execution but users need significantly more time to inhibit responses to stop signals
than non-users.