The Role of Sulfide Oxidation Impairment in the Pathogenesis of Primary CoQ Deficiency
Afficher la notice complèteAuteur
Quinzii, Catarina M.; Luna-Sánchez, Marta; Ziosi, Marcello; Hidalgo Gutiérrez, Agustín; Kleiner, Giulio; Lopez, Luis C.Editorial
Frontiers Media
coenzyme Q CoQ sulfides
2017-07-25Referencia bibliográfica
Quinzii, C.M. et. al. Front. Physiol. 8:525. []
NIH P01 HD080642-01 (CQ and LL); Muscle Dystrophy Association (MDA) and the Department of Defense (DOD); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, and the ERDF (RYC-2011-07643 and SAF2015-65786-R) and from the call “todos somos raros, todos somos únicos.”; Fundación Ramón Areces; FPU Program from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, SpainRésumé
Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is a lipid present in all cell membranes. One of the multiple metabolic
functions of CoQ is to transport electrons in the reaction catalyzed by sulfide:quinone
oxidoreductase (SQOR), the first enzyme of the oxidation pathway of sulfides (hydrogen
sulfide, H2S). Early evidence of a defect in the metabolism of H2S in primary CoQ
deficiency came from yeast studies in Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains defective
for dps1 and ppt1 (homologs of PDSS1 and COQ2, respectively), which have H2S
accumulation. Our recent studies in human skin fibroblasts and in murine models of
primary CoQ deficiency show that, also in mammals, decreased CoQ levels cause
impairment of H2S oxidation. Patient fibroblasts carrying different mutations in genes
encoding proteins involved in CoQ biosynthesis show reduced SQOR activity and protein
levels proportional to the levels of CoQ. In Pdss2kd/kd mice, kidney, the only organ
clinically affected, shows reduced SQOR levels and downstream enzymes, accumulation
of H2S, and glutathione depletion. Pdss2kd/kd mice have also low levels of thiosulfate
in plasma and urine, and increased C4–C6 acylcarnitines in blood, due to inhibition
of short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. Also in Coq9R239X mice, the symptomatic
organ, cerebrum, shows accumulation of H2S, reduced SQOR, increase in thiosulfate
sulfurtransferase and sulfite oxidase, and reduction in the levels of glutathione and
glutathione enzymes, leading to alteration of the biosynthetic pathways of glutamate,
serotonin, and catecholamines. Coq9R239X mice have also reduced blood pressure,
possible consequence of H2S-induced vasorelaxation. Since liver is not clinically affected
in Pdss2 and Coq9 mutant mice, the effects of the impairment of H2S oxidation in this
organ were not investigated, despite its critical role in metabolism. In conclusion, in vitro
and in vivo studies of CoQ deficient models provide evidence of tissue-specific H2S
oxidation impairment, an additional pathomechanism that should be considered in the
understanding and treatment of primary CoQ deficiency.