The Relationship between Concrete Strength and Classes of Resistance against Corrosion Induced by Carbonation: A Proposal for the Design of Extremely Durable Structures in Accordance with Eurocode 2
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Gil Martín, Luisa María; Hernández Gil, Luisa; Molero Melgarejo, Francisco Emilio; Hernández Montes, EnriqueEditorial
Carbonation front Minimum cover Reinforced concrete structures
2023-05-13Referencia bibliográfica
Gil-Martín, L.M.; Hdz-Gil, L.; Molero, E.; Hernández-Montes, E. The Relationship between Concrete Strength and Classes of Resistance against Corrosion Induced by Carbonation: A Proposal for the Design of Extremely Durable Structures in Accordance with Eurocode 2. Sustainability 2023, 15, 7976.
European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) under grant agreement no. 821054; Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) as part of the Research Projects RTI2018-101841-B-C21 and RTI2018-101841-B-C22 (MINECO/FEDER)Resumen
The new Eurocode 2 provides valuable information on the required concrete cover to
protect reinforcement against corrosion induced by carbonation, for two design service life values of
50 and 100 years. However, to design structures with an even longer service life and assess existing
ones, additional tools are necessary. The ‘square root of time’ relationship is a well-established
method for estimating the penetration of the carbonation front, making it useful for long-term design
and assessment purposes. In this article, we propose a new function that adjusts the evolution of the
carbonation front to the Eurocode 2 values. This function is a powerful tool for designing extremely
durable structures and assessing existing ones. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we provide two
examples of its application.