Causal attributions of impulsive and compulsive behaviors
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Astudillo-Reyes, Karla; Sánchez, Ana. I.; Luna Adame, María; Martínez Narváez-Cabeza de Vaca, María del Pilar; Muñoz-Loópez, LucasEditorial
Frontiers Media
impulsive compulsive drug addiction
2024-07-18Referencia bibliográfica
Atudillo Reyes, K. et. al. Psychiatry 15:1446972. []
Introduction: Aggression, and therefore gender-based violence, can be an
impulsive or compulsive behavior, depending on the consumption of alcohol
and/or drugs. In Europe, the prevalence of gender-based violence is 16 to 23%.
This prevalence shows that there is a need to make further progress in the
treatment of aggression against women. Qualitative techniques allow us to
understand perceptions and attributions holistically by analyzing what people
who commit the crime say, why they say it and how they say it.
Aim: To explore the experience of physical and verbal aggression by a partner,
dependent on the presence or absence of alcohol and drug use, in the
prison population.
Method: A mixed methodology was used (combining qualitative and quantitative
techniques). The sample was made up of 140 men divided into two focus groups
[with alcohol and/or drug consumption (SAD) and without alcohol and/or drug
consumption (NSAD)] who completed the Demographic, Criminal and
Behavioral Interview in Penitentiary Institutions; the Gender Violence
Questionnaire (both developed for this study) and the MultiCAGE CAD-4
Questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis and
quantitative data were obtained using contingency tables.
Results: It was found that the SAD group attributed the crime committed to
alcohol and/or drug consumption, while the NSAD group attributed it to jealousy
and to their partner. The SAD group revealed that the consequence of the
physical aggressions was to get what they were looking for from their partner and
the consequences of the verbal aggressions was regret, unlike the NSAD group
that did not get anything from the aggressions. The SAD group recognized that to
avoid future aggressions they would have to avoid alcohol and/or drug use, while
the NSAD group mentioned that they would have to avoid contact with
their partner.
Discussion: The need to include perceptions and attributions as well as the use of
alcohol and/or drugs is emphasized when assessing individuals who commit the
crime of gender-based violence.