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dc.contributor.authorSuárez Santiago, Víctor 
dc.contributor.authorProvan, Jim
dc.contributor.authorRomero García, Ana Teresa 
dc.contributor.authorBen-Menni Schuler, Samira
dc.identifier.citationSuárez Santiago, Víctor N. et. al. Plants 2024, 13, 1587. []es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe tree fern Culcita macrocarpa, a threatened Iberian–Macaronesian endemism, represents the sole European species of the order Cyatheales. Considered a Tertiary relict of European Palaeotropical flora, its evolutionary history and genetic diversity, potentially influenced by presumed high clonal propagation, remain largely unknown. This study elucidates the phylogeographic history of C. macrocarpa, assessing the impact of vegetative reproduction on population dynamics and genetic variability. We provide genetic data from eight newly identified nuclear microsatellite loci and one plastid DNA region for 17 populations spanning the species’ range, together with species distribution modeling data. Microsatellites reveal pervasive clonality in C. macrocarpa, which has varied among populations. We assess the impact of clonality on genetic diversity and evaluate how estimates of intra-population genetic diversity indices and genetic structuring are affected by the chosen definition of “individual” (focusing exclusively on genetically distinct individuals, genets, as opposed to considering all independent clonal replicates, ramets). We identify two main population groups, one in the northern Iberian Peninsula and the other in the Macaronesian archipelagos and southern Iberian Peninsula. Within each group, we found relict populations (in the Azores and the Cantabrian Cornice) as well as recent originated populations. This population structure suggests colonization dynamics in which recent populations originated from one or a few genets of relict populations and became established through intra-gametophytic self-fertilization and vegetative expansion. DAPC analysis facilitated the identification of alleles that most significantly contributed to the observed population structure. The current Andalusian populations appear to have originated from colonization events from the Azores and the Cantabrian Cornice. Our findings suggest that C. macrocarpa persisted through the Last GlacialMaximum in two refugia: the Azores and the Cantabrian Cornice. Colonization into new areas occurred presumably from these refuges, generating two large population groups with structured genetic diversity. This study underscores the significance of clonality in establishing new populations and shaping genetic structure.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectbreeding systemes_ES
dc.subjectCulcita macrocarpaes_ES
dc.titleGenetic Diversity and Phylogeography of the Relict Tree Fern Culcita macrocarpa: Influence of Clonality and Breeding System on Genetic Variationes_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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