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dc.contributor.authorBasquens, Marc
dc.contributor.authorLasanta Becerra, Antonio 
dc.contributor.authorMompó, Emanuel
dc.contributor.authorVaro, María del Valle
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Villaseñor, Eduardo Jesús
dc.identifier.citationBasequens, M. et. al. 57 (2024) 285204 (28pp). []es_ES
dc.description.abstractWe examine relativistic diffusion through the frame and observer bundles associated with a Lorentzian manifold (M, g). Our focus is on spacetimes with a non-trivial isometry group, and we detail the conditions required to find symmetric solutions of the relativistic diffusion equation. Additionally, we analyze the conservation laws associated with the presence of Killing vector fields on (M, g) and their implications for the expressions of the geodesic spray and the vertical Laplacian on both the frame and the observer bundles. Finally, we present several relevant examples of symmetric spacetimes.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipSpanish Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigación Grant Nos. AEI/PID2020-116567GB-C22 and PID2021-128970OA-I00es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipMadrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M23), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipFEDER/Junta de Andalucía Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación, and by the European Union, through Grants Nos. A-FQM-644-UGR20 and C-EXP-251-UGR23es_ES
dc.publisherIOP Publishinges_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectdiffusion Lorentzian manifoldses_ES
dc.subjectcovariant Fokker-Planck equationes_ES
dc.subjectspacetime symmetrieses_ES
dc.titleSpacetime symmetries and geometric diffusiones_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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