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dc.contributor.authorVera Jiménez, José
dc.contributor.authorVillero Carro, Domingo
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Herrera, Lucas 
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez, José A.
dc.contributor.authorAyuso, Jesús
dc.identifier.citationVera-Jiménez, J.C.; Villero-Carro, D.; González-Herrera, L.; Álvarez, J.A.; Ayuso, J. A Multidisciplinary Vision of the Criminal, Social and Occupational Risk Consequences of the Use of Police Force. Safety 2023, 9, 50.
dc.description.abstract(1) Background: The use of force by public and private security forces is currently an issue of great relevance because of the potential injuries caused by any excessive use of force by either active or passive subjects or a deficit in the real mastery of appropriate physical intervention techniques (PITs). For this reason, certain traditionally used physical intervention techniques have been questioned by scientific research studies and punished by justice. On the other hand, certain media have dealt with this matter in a biased and unfair manner by broadcasting videos where the use of force by police officer is displayed out of context. As a consequence, this problem has been brought under the spotlight, causing general uneasiness of the communities and rapidly spreading over social networks while favoring all sorts of parallel judgments. (2) Research method: A suit was equipped with 19 inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a Biomechanics of Bodies software application for Marras analysis of the data collected on trajectory, trunk twisting velocity, sagittal angle, load, and nature and severity of the injuries associated with the different intervention techniques examined. (3) Results: According to the data registered, the implementation of operational tactical procedures (OTPs) reduces the probability of injuries and leads to a more satisfactory outcome. (4) Conclusions: The implementation of operational tactical procedures, together with an awareness of the risks associated with the excessive use of force by public and private security forces and bodies, could reduce the risk of injuries suffered by both officers and citizens.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipR&D PROJECT DER 2012-35997-C03-03 “Study of police defense materials and possible improvements” financed by the Secretary of State for research, development, and innovation of MINECOes_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectUse of forcees_ES
dc.subjectBody injurieses_ES
dc.titleA Multidisciplinary Vision of the Criminal, Social and Occupational Risk Consequences of the Use of Police Forcees_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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