Variation in the use of anthropogenic materials in tit nests: influence of human activities and pandemic restrictions
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Girão, Joana; Bessa, Filipa; Garrido Bautista, Jorge; Ferreira, Beatriz; Santos Baena, Carolina; Marques, M. Paula M.; Batista de Carvalho, Luís A. E.; Ramos, Jaime Albino; Norte, Ana CláudiaEditorial
Springer Nature
Anthropogenic waste Nest boxes Urbanization
2024-01-05Referencia bibliográfica
Girão, J., Bessa, F., Garrido-Bautista, J. et al. Variation in the use of anthropogenic materials in tit nests: influence of human activities and pandemic restrictions. Urban Ecosyst (2024).
Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on).; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the strategic program of MARE (MARE-UID/MAR/04292/2020), the project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, and the transitory norm contract DL57/2016/CP1370/CT89 and DL57/2016/CP1370/CT52; POCentro, Portugal 2020 and European Community through the FEDER; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Centro-01-0145-FEDER-029956); FPU pre-doctoral contract (FPU18/03034) from the Spanish Ministry of Education; AUIP mobility grantRésumé
As urbanization expands, so does the presence of anthropogenic materials within bird’s nests. However, our understanding of this phenomenon remains limited, particularly in terrestrial birds. This study describes and compares the use of anthropogenic materials in great tit (Parus major) and blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) nests in relation to the intensity of anthropogenic activities, distance to contamination sources and reproductive metrics, in nest boxes in a suburban wood in Coimbra, Portugal, during the breeding seasons of 2020 and 2021. Nests were collected after fledging and sorted to remove anthropogenic materials. From a total of 9.71% anthropogenic materials in great tit nests we observed an abundance of uncoloured tangles of mixed fibres, representing 78% of the total weight of the anthropogenic materials in great tit nests in 2021. The chemical composition of these mixtures was determined by spectroscopy analysis, using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and 56% of the nests (16/25) contained fibres from synthetic origin. The percentage of anthropogenic materials was higher in great tit than in blue tit nests and increased in 2021, comparatively to 2020. The proximity to potential contamination sources influenced positively the percentage of anthropogenic materials in nests, as those closer to areas with more intense anthropogenic activities (the bar/tennis court and the wastewater treatment plant) had a higher percentage of these materials. No effects on productivity were detected. Our results suggest that the use of these materials is probably related to the intensity of anthropogenic activities.