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dc.contributor.authorGolasi, Iacopo
dc.contributor.authorSalata, Ferdinando
dc.contributor.authorde Lieto Vollaro, Emanuele
dc.contributor.authorPeña-García, Antonio
dc.identifier.citationGolasi, I., Salata, F., de Lieto Vollaro, E., Peña-García, A. Influence of lighting colour temperature on indoor thermal perception: a strategy to save energy from the HVAC installations. Energy and Buildings, 185, 112-122, 2019.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis paper examines how the lighting colour temperature affects indoor thermal comfort. A test room with three separate environments was set and, in each one of them, a lamp with a different colour tem- perature was positioned to evaluate the influence of a cold, neutral and warm light. The colour temper- atures of the used lamps were 11,530 K, 4,0 0 0 K and 1,772 K respectively. During each test, while com- plying with the EN 12464-1, a lighting level of 500 lx and a uniformity coefficient higher than or equal to 0.7 were maintained. With an air temperature of about 22 °C, 42 people were interviewed and filled a questionnaire structured according to the ISO 10551 to judge the resulting thermal comfort. The study reported a certain influence of the lighting colour temperature on people’s thermal perception which was only lower than the one related to the gender. With respect to the ASHRAE 7-point scale, being exposed to the different types of light led to a decrease (0.44 units under cold light) in the mean value of the votes given by the interviewees to judge their thermal perception. Such condition gives the possibility to increase, without varying the thermal perception of the subjects, the air temperature of 1.25 °C, 0.46 °C and 0.23 °C with cold, neutral and warm light respectively. Finally a cross tabulation analysis was per- formed to compare the votes of the participants before and after they were exposed to the different lights with those predicted by the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV).es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectThermal perceptiones_ES
dc.subjectIndoor thermal comfortes_ES
dc.subjectLighting colour temperaturees_ES
dc.subjectField surveyes_ES
dc.titleInfluence of lighting colour temperature on indoor thermal perception: A strategy to save energy from the HVAC installationses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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