Computing the relevant colors which describe the color palette of paintings
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Optica Publishing Group
Color vision Paintings Discernible colors
2020-02-20Referencia bibliográfica
Vol. 59, No. 6 / 20 February 2020 / Applied Optics []
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under research grant DPI2015- 64571-RResumen
In this paper, we introduce an innovative parameter that allows us to evaluate the so-called “relevant colors” in a painting; in other words, the number of colors that would stand out for an observer when just glancing at a painting. These relevant colors allow us to characterize the color palette of a scene and, on this basis, those discernible colors that are colorimetrically different within the scene. We tried to carry out this characterization of the chromatic range of paints according to authors and styles. We used a collection of 4,266 paintings by 91 painters, from which we extracted various parameters that are exclusively colorimetric to characterize the range of colors. After this refinement of the set of selected colors, our algorithm obtained an average number of 18 relevant colors, which partially agreed with the total 11–15 basic color names usually found in other categorical color studies.