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dc.contributor.authorPajuelo Corral, Oier
dc.contributor.authorRojas Macías, Sara 
dc.contributor.authorChoquesillo Lazarte, Duane
dc.contributor.authorSalinas Castillo, Alfonso 
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Diéguez, Antonio
dc.identifier.citationPajuelo-Corral, O.; Razquin-Bobillo, L.; Rojas, S.; García, J.A.; Choquesillo-Lazarte, D.; Salinas-Castillo, A.; Hernández, R.; Rodríguez-Diéguez, A.; Cepeda, J. Lanthanide(III) Ions and 5-Methylisophthalate Ligand Based Coordination Polymers: An Insight into Their Photoluminescence Emission and Chemosensing for Nitroaromatic Molecules. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3977. []es_ES
dc.descriptionAcknowledgments: O.P.C. is grateful to the UPV/EHU for his predoctoral grant. S.R. acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Fellowship (grant agreement no. IJC2019-038894-I). The authors thank the technical and human support provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU/ERDF, EU).es_ES
dc.descriptionFunding: This work has been funded by University of the Basque Country (GIU20/028), Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza (IT1755-22 and IT1500-22), Junta de Andalucía (FQM-394 and B-FQM- 734-UGR20, B-FQM-478-UGR20 and ProyExcel_00386) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) (PGC2018-102052-A-C22, PGC2018-102052-B-C21 and PID2020-117344RB-I00).es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe work presented herein reports on the synthesis, structural and physico-chemical characterization, luminescence properties and luminescent sensing activity of a family of isostructural coordination polymers (CPs) with the general formula [Ln2(μ4-5Meip)3(DMF)]n (where Ln(III) = Sm (1Sm), Eu (2Eu), Gd (3Gd), Tb (4Tb) and Yb (5Yb) and 5Meip = 5-methylisophthalate, DMF = N,N-dimethylmethanamide). Crystal structures consist of 3D frameworks tailored by the linkage between infinite lanthanide(III)-carboxylate rods by means of the tetradentate 5Meip ligands. Photoluminescence measurements in solid state at variable temperatures reveal the best-in-class properties based on the capacity of the 5Meip ligand to provide efficient energy transfers to the lanthanide(III) ions, which brings intense emissions in both the visible and near-infrared (NIR) regions. On the one hand, compound 5Yb displays characteristic lanthanide-centered bands in the NIR with sizeable intensity even at room temperature. Among the compounds emitting in the visible region, 4Tb presents a high QY of 63%, which may be explained according to computational calculations. At last, taking advantage of the good performance as well as high chemical and optical stability of 4Tb in water and methanol, its sensing capacity to detect 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (TNP) among other nitroaromatic-like explosives has been explored, obtaining high detection capacity (with Ksv around 105 M−1), low limit of detection (in the 10−6–10−7 M) and selectivity among other molecules (especially in methanol).es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of the Basque Country (GIU20/028)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipGobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza (IT1755-22 and IT1500-22)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipJunta de Andalucía (FQM-394 and B-FQM- 734-UGR20, B-FQM-478-UGR20 and ProyExcel_00386)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) (PGC2018-102052-A-C22, PGC2018-102052-B-C21 and PID2020-117344RB-I00)es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectCoordination polymerses_ES
dc.subjectPhotoluminescence propertieses_ES
dc.subjectTDDFT calculationses_ES
dc.subjectCIS INDO/S calculationses_ES
dc.subjectCharge transfers calculationes_ES
dc.subjectLuminescent sensinges_ES
dc.titleLanthanide(III) Ions and 5-Methylisophthalate Ligand Based Coordination Polymers: An Insight into Their Photoluminescence Emission and Chemosensing for Nitroaromatic Moleculeses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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