The open veins of Latin America: Long-term physical trade flows (1900–2016)
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Material flow analysis Unequal ecologically exchange Social metabolism Latin America Material footprint Anthropocene
2022-08-30Referencia bibliográfica
Juan Infante-Amate... [et al.]. The open veins of Latin America: Long-term physical trade flows (1900–2016), Global Environmental Change, Volume 76, 2022, 102579, ISSN 0959-3780, []
CBUA/Universidad de GranadaRésumé
Latin America has long played a key role in the global provision of natural resources. Most of the continent’s
economies are net exporters of low-value, primary products and importers of manufactured goods at a high price.
This pattern of specialised trade has highly negative consequences for economic development, the environment,
and the local population’s wellbeing. Yet to date, little empirical evidence has been collected on Latin America’s
total contribution to the rest of the world’s regions in historical perspective. Applying the Material Flow Accounting
methodology, this paper estimates the physical and monetary trade of 16 Latin American economies
between 1900 and 2016. Our results show that: (i) yearly net exports of materials went from 4 Mt to 610 Mt
between 1900 and 2016, and greatly accelerated since the World War II. (ii) Latin America is a net exporter of
most types of materials (fossil fuels, non-energy minerals and biomass), so it harbours socio-environmental
problems associated with different types of extractivism. (iii) Different regional export patterns exist: Andeans
export subsoil (mining and energy carriers) while the rest export soil (land-based products). The countries with
the lowest net exports are the smallest in size and with the highest population density. (iv) Europe and the USA
have historically received most of the imports, but since the end of the twentieth century, the Southeast Asia
region is the biggest importer of materials from Latin America. (v) The price received for exported material is
much lower than the price paid for imported material; and (vi) various historical periods can be differentiated
regarding the relationship between economic growth and physical trade balance.