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dc.contributor.authorGodunko, Roman J.
dc.contributor.authorAlba Tercedor, Francisco Javier 
dc.contributor.authorGrabowski, Michal
dc.contributor.authorRewicz, Tomasz
dc.contributor.authorStaniczek, Arnold H.
dc.identifier.citationGodunko, R.J., Alba-Tercedor, J., Grabowski, M. et al. Cenozoic origins of the genus Calliarcys (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) revealed by Micro-CT, with DNA barcode gap analysis of Leptophlebiinae and Habrophlebiinae. Sci Rep 12, 15228 (2022). []es_ES
dc.descriptionWe are grateful to Michel Sartori (Lausanne, Switzerland) and José Ángel Martín del Arco (Salamanca, Spain) for donating the specimens of C. humilis to SMNS, BC CAS, and UŁ collections. We are also grateful to Christel and Hans-Werner Hoffeins (Hamburg, Germany), Mike Reich (BSPG, Munich, Germany), and Evgeny Perkovsky (Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kyiv, Ukraine) for access to their collections of fossil mayflies from the Eocene Rovno amber. We would like to thank Kateřina Bláhová (IE, BC CAS) and Milan Pallmann (SMNS) for technical assistance with line drawings and the preparation of a set of macro photographs. Tomasz Mamos (UniLodz, Poland) is acknowledged for his help in the Bayesian reconstruction of phylogeny, and Łukasz Trębicki (UniLodz, Poland) for help in molecular laboratory. Comments from reviewers helped to improve the manuscript. JA-T thank the staff of Bruker SkyScan in Kontich (Belgium) for their effectiveness and fast support, for their constant improvements to the software, and for implementing the new options we requested. In this respect, we are especially indebted to Alexander Sasov (now at NeoScan, https:// neosc an. com), Stephan Boons, Xuan Liu, Phil Salmon, and Vladimir Kharitonov. We would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving our manuscript. LSID urn:lsid:zoobank. org:pub:C58BEE82-0EC6-4C59-A02D-1E5F796179B6es_ES
dc.descriptionAdditional information Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1038/ s41598- 022- 18234-4.es_ES
dc.descriptionFunding Open access funding enabled and organized by the University of Łódź (Poland). RJG acknowledges the financial support of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (No. 21-05216S) and institutional support of the Institute of Entomology (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences) RVO: 60077344. Acquisition of research equipment used in this study has been carried out within equipment subsidy granted by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers] for RJG.es_ES
dc.description.abstractMayflies (Ephemeroptera) are among the oldest pterygote insects, with the earliest fossils dating back to the Late Carboniferous. Within mayflies, Leptophlebiidae are a highly diverse and widespread group, with approximately 140 genera and 640 species. Whereas taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of extant Leptophlebiidae are in the focus of extensive studies, little is known about leptophlebiid fossil taxa. Because fossil remains of Ephemeroptera in sedimentary rocks are relatively rare, inclusions of mayflies in amber are a unique source of information on their evolution and diversity in the past. Leptophlebiidae found in Cenozoic resins mostly belong to the subfamilies Leptophlebiinae (in Eocene Baltic amber) and Atalophlebiinae (in Miocene Dominican and Mexican ambers). In the present contribution, we confirm the first finding of the genus Calliarcys from Eocene Baltic amber by using Micro-CT, which allowed confirming its generic placement by visualizing diagnostic key characters otherwise hidden by a cloud of turbidity. Additionally, we present first molecular data on the extant species Calliarcys humilis Eaton, 1881 from the Iberian Peninsula and the barcode gap analysis for Leptophlebiinae and Habrophlebiinae.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipFunding Open access funding enabled and organized by the University of Łódź (Poland)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipGrant Agency of the Czech Republic (No. 21-05216S)es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipInstitute of Entomology (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences) RVO: 60077344es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipAlexander von Humboldt Foundation [Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers]es_ES
dc.publisherSpringer Naturees_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleCenozoic origins of the genus Calliarcys (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) revealed by Micro‑CT, with DNA barcode gap analysis of Leptophlebiinae and Habrophlebiinaees_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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