A digital quantum simulation of the Agassi model
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Quantum simulation Agassi model
2022-04-27Referencia bibliográfica
Pedro Pérez-Fernández... [et al.]. A digital quantum simulation of the Agassi model, Physics Letters B, Volume 829, 2022, 137133, ISSN 0370-2693, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137133]
Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucia (Spain); ERDF under Group FQM-160 ERDF under Group FQM-177 ERDF under Group FQM-370 European Commission P20-00617 P20-00764 P20-01247 UHU-1262561 US-1380840 SOMM17/6105/UGR; MCIN/AEI PGC2018-095113-B-I00 PID2019-104002GB-C21 PID2019-104002GB-C22 PID2020-114687GB-I00; ERDF A way of making Europe; Universidad de Huelva High Performance Computer (HPC@UHU) - ERDF/MINECO project UNHU-15CE-2848; CEAFMCAbstract
A digital quantum simulation of the Agassi model from nuclear physics is proposed and analyzed. The proposal is worked out for the case with four different sites. Numerical simulations and analytical estimations are presented to illustrate the feasibility of this proposal with current technology. The proposed approach is fully scalable to a larger number of sites. The use of a quantum correlation function as a probe to explore the quantum phases by quantum simulating the time dynamics, with no need of computing the ground state, is also studied. Evidence is given showing that the amplitude of the time dynamics of a correlation function in this quantum simulation is linked to the different quantum phases of the system. This approach establishes an avenue for the digital quantum simulation of useful models in nuclear physics.