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dc.contributor.authorCarril Caccia, Federico 
dc.contributor.authorGarmendia Lazcano, Aitor
dc.contributor.authorMinondo, Asier
dc.identifier.citationCarril-Caccia, F., Garmendia-Lazcano, A. & Minondo, A. Social ties and home bias in mergers and acquisitions. Rev World Econ (2022).
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores whether social ties, proxied by Facebook friendship links, can explain why the number and value of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are greater within countries than between countries. We find that social ties are positively correlated with the number and value of M&As. We also demonstrate that the home bias in M&As is greatly reduced once we control for the differences in social ties between and within countries. We further find that social ties particularly facilitate M&As when the level of corruption is high, press freedom is limited in the target country, and there are more cultural differences between the acquirer and target countries.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectFusiones y adquisicioneses_ES
dc.subjectModelo de gravedades_ES
dc.subjectRelaciones socialeses_ES
dc.subjectEfecto fronteraes_ES
dc.subjectGravity modeles_ES
dc.subjectBorder effectes_ES
dc.titleSocial ties and home bias in mergers and acquisitionses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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