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dc.contributor.authorLorite Moreno, Juan 
dc.contributor.authorSalazar Mendías, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorPawlak, Roza
dc.contributor.authorCañadas Sánchez, Eva María
dc.identifier.citationLorite, J... [et al.]. Assessing effectiveness of exclusion fences in protecting threatened plants. Sci Rep 11, 16124 (2021). []es_ES
dc.descriptionWe thank David Cuerda (Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park) and Sandra Garcia de Lucas (Andalusian Network of Botanical and Mycological Gardens in Natural Areas) for their assistance at field work. We also thank the General Directorate of Environment (Junta de Andalucia) for allowing us access to FAME database. Project B1-RNM-163-UGR18-Programa Operativo FEDER 2018, partially financed this research.es_ES
dc.description.abstractOvergrazing stands out as threat factors on biodiversity, being especially harmful in the Mediterranean, due to strong human pressure and an accelerated climate change acting synergistically. Fencing is a common tool used in conservation biology to tackle this problem. Advantages of fences are usually fast, intuitive, and easy to evaluate. However, disadvantages could also arise (increasing interspecific competition, disturbing habitat structure, limiting pollination, reducing dispersion). Together with management issues (maintenance, conflicts with stakeholders, and pulling effect). Effectiveness of fencing for conservation has been frequently assessed for animals, while it is almost a neglected topic in plants. We evaluated the outcome of fencing three threatened and narrow-endemic plants. Selected 5 populations were only partly fenced, which allowed comparing different variables inside and outside the fence. For evaluating the fencing effects, we sampled several habitats (vegetation cover, composition, density of target species), and target-species features (individual size, neighbouring species, and fruit-set). Fencing had strong effects on the habitat and on target-species individuals, showing contrasting responses at species and population level. Particularly, for Erodium cazorlanum, fence had a positive effect in one case, and negative in another. In Hormathophylla baetica effect was positive in all populations. Finally, fencing negatively affected Solenanthus reverchonii by increasing competition and limiting seed-dispersal. Fencing outcome was different in assessed species, highlighting the need to a case-by-case evaluation to determine the net balance (pros vs. cons), also its suitability and most favourable option (i.e. permanent vs. temporary fences).es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipPrograma Operativo FEDER 2018 B1-RNM-163-UGR18es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.titleAssessing effectiveness of exclusion fences in protecting threatened plantses_ES
dc.typejournal articlees_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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